Spanberger, McEachin to Host “Central Virginia Service Academy Day” Later this Month

During the Event, Area High School Students Will Learn More About the Service Academy Nomination Process from Academy Representatives

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representatives Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) and A. Donald McEachin (D-VA-04) today announced details for their upcoming “Central Virginia Service Academy Day,” at which area high school students will be able to meet with representatives from U.S. Service Academies and learn more about the Academy nomination process.

During the event, Academy Liaison Officers will be on-hand to discuss the congressional nomination process and answer questions from Central Virginia students. Interested students are encouraged to bring their parents or guardians to the event, which will be held on Saturday, September 28 in Richmond. CLICK HERE to RSVP. NOTE: Each attendee must reserve an individual ticket.

“Each year, many Central Virginia students answer the selfless call to serve their country—and these inspiring young men and women deserve the resources and support they need to develop their leadership skills and establish a strong foundation for a successful military career,” said Spanberger. “Our Central Virginia Service Academy Day will be an opportunity for our area’s young men and women to learn more about life at U.S. Service Academies, the Academy nomination process, and career opportunities following graduation. Our terrific U.S. Service Academies provide world-class training for the next generation of American military leaders, and they foster a lifelong sense of service, devotion to country, and character. I’m honored to host this event alongside Congressman McEachin, and I look forward to meeting students and their families as they consider a potential Armed Forces career.”

“Every year I am impressed by the number of students in the area who eagerly and selflessly sign up to serve their country,” said McEachin. “These young men and women who attend the U.S. Service Academies are some of our best and brightest. Service academies provide an outstanding education and have a history of developing our future leaders. I am honored to host Central Virginia Service Academy Day with Congresswoman Spanberger and I strongly encourage any interested student to attend and learn more about this incredible opportunity.”

The details for the Spanberger-McEachin-hosted Central Virginia Service Academy Day are as follows:

WHEN: Saturday, September 28, 2019

              10:00am-12:00pm ET

WHERE: Capital One West Creek Town Center, Room 22CDE

ADDRESS: 15075 Capital One Drive

                    Richmond, VA 23238

The five U.S. Service Academies include: the U.S. Air Force Academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and the U.S. Naval Academy.

Nominations to U.S. Service Academies can be made by the President, Vice President, or a Member of Congress. Nominations are required for all but the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, to which appointments are made on the basis of an annual nationwide competition.


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