WTOP: Worries grow about ‘reckless’ government shutdown amid House GOP dysfunction


The next deadline for a government shutdown is less than two weeks away, but Congress will be gone until nearly the end of the month, causing some lawmakers to send warning flares about another pending spending crisis.

The U.S. House ended its session on Thursday — a day early — after Republicans were unable to secure votes within their own party to address issues including government surveillance and tax cuts.

House members don’t return into session until Feb. 28 — just three days before the next partial government shutdown deadline on March 1.

Given how long it has taken to reach spending agreements over the past several months, there is concern that 72 hours won’t provide enough time to agree on a long-term spending agreement.

“It is vitally important that the (House) Speaker bring forth bipartisan bills that can pass the House, pass the Senate and do so in time to avoid a reckless government shutdown,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va.  “For too many months, we have been coming right up to the precipice of disaster and avoiding it with a continuing resolution. It needs to stop.”

Spanberger said it’s vital to avoid a shutdown, given what’s at stake for federal workers, military service members and various communities across the country.

Many lawmakers oppose taking up yet another short-term spending bill that doesn’t take care of the federal budget.

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