WRIC: Spanberger and other gun-owning legislators urge Senate to vote on bipartisan gun bills passed by House


Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (D-Virginia) and other gun-owning members of Congress held a news conference urging the Senate to pass bipartisan gun violence prevention legislation, including two background check bills already passed by the House.

“Just praying or apologizing is not enough we need action,” said Congressman Mike Veasey.

Veasey joined other lawmakers to demand action on gun laws. They were joined by Virginia resident Robyn Sordelet from the group Moms Demand Action.

“As a responsible gun owner I believe that gun owners have a critical role in the conversation of what our gun laws should look like in America,” Sordelet said.

Advocates said everyone should have to pass a background check before buying a gun. In addition they want Congress to pass red flag laws to help keep people suffering from mental illness from hurting others or themselves.

“We must address access to guns to reduce suicides, which are so common in communities,” Sordelet said.

It’s been more than 200 days since the House passed two bipartisan bills to help strengthen background checks.

“Ensuring that those who are prohibited buyers those who are determined to not have the right to purchase firearms and are a threat to our communities are unable to do so,” Spanberger said.

Both bills remain stuck in the Senate. There’s no telling if a vote will come anytime soon. While Republican senators including South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham said they’re willing to work with Democrats to pass legislation aimed at reducing gun violence, it remains unclear on what plan the president will support.

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