Spanberger Statement on One-Year Anniversary of First 301 Tariffs on Chinese Goods

HENRICO, V.A. – U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today issued the following statement on the one-year anniversary of the implementation of the first Section 301 tariffs on certain Chinese imports to the United States. 

“For one year, we’ve experienced the spiraling effects of tariffs against China, including retaliatory tariffs imposed on key U.S. agricultural products like soybeans. Until we build a smart, cohesive trade strategy and finally disengage from needlessly antagonistic trade tactics, Central Virginia farmers, business owners, and consumers will continue to foot the bill,” said Spanberger. “China must be held accountable for its predatory trade practices, but we can do so through strong enforcement of international trade laws and by building and leveraging the strength of a coalition of partners. Unfortunately, the administration continues to raise the threat of additional tariffs that narrow markets for our products and perpetuate uncertainty for America’s crop and livestock producers. Amid the risk of another escalation in this trade war, I’ll continue to speak out against decisions that hamper long-term economic growth and impose taxes on U.S. consumers—and I’ll keep fighting for the priorities of our Central Virginia workers, businesses, and farms.”

Since arriving in the U.S. House, Spanberger has worked to provide trade certainty and market stability for Central Virginia’s farmers, manufacturers, and other businesses. In May 2019, Spanberger spoke out against the administration increasing tariffs against an additional $200 billion of Chinese goods. Later that month, she also met with Deputy U.S. Trade Representative C.J. Mahoney to discuss the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and the impact of ongoing trade negotiations on the Seventh District’s economy.


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