Spanberger Statement on Administration Raising Tariffs on Additional Chinese Imports

Congresswoman: “Today’s Tariff Hike is a Direct Threat to the Livelihoods of our District’s Soybean Growers”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today released the following statement after the administration increased tariffs against an additional $200 billion of Chinese goods.

“Right now, America’s farm families, consumers, and rural communities are footing the bill for a trade war that continues to escalate with no end in sight. For Central Virginia, today’s tariff hike is a direct threat to the livelihoods of our district’s soybean growers, who are responsible for one of the Commonwealth’s most important exports,” said Spanberger. “Above all else, our farmers need certainty. Particularly at a time when net farm income continues to decline, we need to be supporting policies that protect the financial security of farm families, not jeopardize access to critical markets. When we raise tariffs against Chinese goods, they retaliate against our exports, such as soybeans. In our district, I’ve heard from soybean growers who are increasingly worried about the trade war’s harmful effects, such as unsold stocks, loss of markets, and depressed prices. As a Member of the House Agriculture Committee, I’m committed to standing with our Central Virginia growers—and I’ll keep speaking out against decisions that negatively impact family farms across the country.”

Spanberger is a proud Member of the House Agriculture Committee, where she serves as Chair of the Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee.


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