Spanberger Marks 55th Anniversary of Landmark Voting Rights Act

In December 2019, the Congresswoman Voted to Pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act, Strengthening & Defending Americans’ Fundamental Right To Be Heard at the Ballot Box

U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today released the following statement on the 55th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 being signed into law.

“55 years ago today, the Voting Rights Act was signed into law and our nation took one of its largest leaps toward to goal of a truly representative government. After decades of persistent, courageous advocacy – often at risk to their own lives, livelihoods, and safety – African Americans succeeded in securing their right to a voice in our government, and their work laid the foundation for the social justice work of generations to follow.

Today, the right to vote is facing threats across our nation. From unfair purging of voter rolls to the elimination of polling places, a renewed pattern of suppressive laws and tactics has emerged, aimed at silencing more Americans. Additionally, amid the ongoing global pandemic, voters who might prefer to vote by mail due to health concerns are now having to sift through misinformation and misdirection from their own elected officials. We must be persistent and vocal in standing up to these systematic attempts to disenfranchise some Americans from participating in our democratic system. Each American has a right to be heard, and I was proud to vote to pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act to restore vital voter protections and strengthen Virginians’ trust in our political process.

“I hope this anniversary reminds us that the right to vote is only as inviolate as we make it. Throughout the history of our country, Virginians have fought on the frontlines of the struggle to safeguard our most foundational right – a voice in our government. I hope this anniversary inspires us to continue making what the late Congressman John Lewis would call ‘good trouble’ in an effort to bring about a stronger, more fair, and more equitable republic.”  


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