Kaine, Warner and Spanberger Warn About Increasing Shutdown Dangers



The shutdown reaches day 35 today. Eight hundred thousand federal employees are facing another missed paycheck. And lawmakers are talking about security.

Seventh District Democratic Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger took to the House floor again yesterday.

“Over the past 34 days we have heard that this shutdown is about security. Well, I am a former CIA undercover officer, so let’s talk about security. There is nothing secure about FBI agents working without pay. There is nothing secure about their closing down investigations and losing their informants, their counter-terrorism informants. There is nothing secure about TSA employees who keep us safe in the airspace working without pay. There is nothing secure about our customs and border patrol agents, working along the very border we are discussing, working without pay.”

Earlier, Senators Kaine and Warner stood with union leaders at Reagan National Airport and warned about increasing risks of air travel.

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