FOX5: US leaders show Ukraine support by wearing blue and yellow at State of the Union


During President Biden’s State of the Union address, many members of Congress chose to show a sign of solidarity with the people of Ukraine by wearing the embattled country’s colors: blue and yellow. 

Some lawmakers could be seen wearing blue and yellow pocket squares in their suit jackets or holding small Ukrainian flags. And others, like House Speaker Nanci Pelosi, wore a Ukrainian flag or ribbon brooch pinned to their left lapel.

Several legislators took to Twitter to share their sartorial choices with their followers.

“Today, I’m wearing blue and yellow to President Biden’s #StateOfTheUnion to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine. In my DC office, I have a painting of the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, which I purchased when I visited the Ukrainian capital a few years ago,” tweeted Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. 

“I’m here in the House chamber awaiting tonight’s #SOTU address. It is inspiring to see so many members of Congress wearing blue and yellow in solidarity with the brave citizens of Ukraine,” tweeted Representative Vicky Hartzler. 

Representative Elaine Luria wore a yellow jacket over her blue dress tweeted: “Tonight, I’m wearing blue and yellow at the #SOTU to stand together with the people of Ukraine.”

Representative Abigail Spanberger wore yellow beads that draped over her blue dress. “Tonight, we stand with those fighting for freedom in Ukraine. I am proudly wearing yellow and blue to the State of the Union in solidarity with this sovereign nation and its strong people,” she tweeted. 

Representative Victoria Spartz, who is Ukrainian-American, wore a yellow dress with a blue blazer. First Lady Jill Biden also showed support by wearing blue and bringing Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S. Oksana Markarova as her guest.

Earlier in the day, Representative Joyce Beatty – who wore a blue dress with a yellow blazer and yellow scarf – shared an image of her colleagues decked out in Ukrainian colors on the steps of the House of Representatives. 

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