CBS19: Spanberger reacts to Trump’s comments about NATO 


Local backlash is being directed towards former President Donald Trump after he made comments at a recent campaign rally, suggesting he wouldn’t stay true to the NATO alliance if its countries didn’t pay what he considers enough. 

Trump also threatened a NATO leader that he would even encourage Russia to attack

“No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want,” said Trump.

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was developed after World War II to blunt the threat of the Soviet Union.

Seventh District Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, showed disgust at the former president’s words.

“Everyone across the board should be denouncing it,” she said.

Trump’s comments come as war continues to rage in Ukraine. In just 12 days, it will have been two years since Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to invade.

Spanberger says it not only sends a message to Russia, but to other enemies of the United States.

“It sends a message to President Xi, it sends a message to the Ayatollah in Iran, it sends a message to authoritarians,” she said.

She says if Trump is elected again, he wouldn’t honor the commitment to NATO and the principles of democracy and freedom.

“And would give free reign to people like Vladimir Putin who has been driving this horrific war against Ukraine,” she said.

Spanberger’s comments after she made a trip to Kyiv with a bipartisan group of lawmakers and during her campaign for governor.

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