CBS19: Spanberger frustrated with looming government shutdown


There are just ten more days for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to find an agreement between parties to keep the federal government running and avoid a shutdown.

In a virtual town hall tonight, 7th District Representative Abigail Spanberger shared her thoughts on what might happen and explain what she’s doing to stop it.

By September 30, Congress needs to have either an appropriations bill passed or a continuing resolution in place. Right now, they have neither. This has Spanberger upset with her colleagues.

“I don’t even have the word for it. It’s disgust, it’s anger, we had the entirety of the year to get to where we are,” she says.

Spanberger isn’t pleased with the lack of compromise within the House of Representatives.

“We don’t want political games and theatrics in our government, we want responsible governance,” she says.

During a shutdown, the federal government must stop all non-essential functions until funding is approved by Congress and signed into law. Spanberger says one could affect her constituents.

“Shutdowns are bad for Virginia. They are bad for our economy, they are bad for our workers and government contractors, and small businesses that depend on a vibrant workforce all around them,” she says.

She blames far-right Republicans who say the public shouldn’t be afraid of a shutdown.

“One of the most horrific realities in this is in the case of a government shutdown, when federal employees, and service members, and contractors, and small business owners, and people throughout Virginia are impacted by the reality of a shutdown, members of Congress still get paid,” says Spanberger.

But Spanberger has proposed legislation that she thinks may offer a way to incentivize an agreement.

“If we knew we would be impacted, there would be far fewer people who would be willing to play with the very function of our government,” she says.

CNN is reporting that the Speaker privately outlined to members a new GOP plan to keep the government open.

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