CBS19: Lots of responses on Spanberger’s Social Security benefits survey


Thousands of people have already responded to a survey concerning two federal provisions that may impact people getting their Social Security benefits.

According to a release, Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger says her office has received more than 2,500 responses to the online survey in less than 48 hours.

Responses have come from federal employees, first responders, educators, and retirees who were denied benefits because of the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision.

Spanberger says she plans to use stories received through the survey to raise awareness.

 “The thousands of experiences shared through this survey make the need to eliminate the WEP and GPO even more clear,” said Spanberger. “Retired federal employees who worked two jobs to make ends meet, police officers who worked in the private sector after retiring from the force, and federal employees married to private sector workers are all being denied the retirement benefits they deserve. Hardworking Virginians are being stripped of their hard-earned Social Security benefits, even though they paid into the system just like others. Virginians should not be penalized for careers in public service, and I’ll keep working in Congress to protect the Social Security benefits of the thousands of Americans who shared their stories with me and every Virginian who is being unfairly penalized for serving our communities.”

The survey is still open and can be found here.

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