CBS19: Good’s colleagues react to his comments on a government shutdown


“We should not fear a government shutdown, right? Most of what we do up here is bad. Anyway, most of what we do up here hurts the American people. Most of the American people won’t even miss if the government is shut down temporarily,” Representative Bob Good (R-VA-5th) said on Tuesday.

Now, his colleagues on the other side of the aisle are reacting.

“That’s an absolutely ridiculous statement and a total abdication of our responsibility as legislators. Virginia was the most economically harmed state when there was a shutdown in 2013,” Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-7th) said.

In a shutdown, Shenandoah National Park, which is in Good’s district, would likely be closed.

Senator Tim Kaine says we know what happened in the 2013 shutdown.

“It hurt, not only by blocking access to these public lands, but there are small communities near our national parks that really rely upon visitation during these peak seasons to support their businesses and families,” Kaine said.

Senator Mark Warner said a potential shutdown hurts more than just the economy.

“You lay off air traffic controllers, the safety of our airspace is in jeopardy. People are already waiting too long for passports and won’t get them,” he said.

It would also affect military families and social security.

To prevent a shutdown, Spanberger thinks hitting lawmakers in the wallet would help.

“In the event of government shutdowns, members of Congress still get paid. That is something that should end because if the average member of Congress felt the impact the same the constituents the people I represent feel it. Perhaps they wouldn’t play with fire,” she said.

All three lawmakers say they’re doing what they can to avoid the shutdown. Things will really heat up after the August recess.

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