WAVY: Democrats and Republicans expand funding for coronavirus relief package


On Thursday, Democrats and Republicans came together to pass the expansion of the coronavirus relief package, a move Pennsylvania Reps. Fred Keller and Dan Meuser say was overdue.

“This is an important piece of legislation that should’ve been, quite frankly, done almost two weeks ago,” Keller said.

“They have no understanding of how disruptive it’s been to banks, to businesses, to families, to employers,” Meuser said.

Virginia Rep. Morgan Griffith says this will help save many struggling businesses.

“Money ran out before they could get their loan. They desperately need this to keep their businesses afloat and to keep moving forward,” Griffith said.

Democrats supported the additional $300 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program, but also held out to secure funding for hospitals, protective equipment and testing.

“When we are re-opening our economy, we know that we have the ability and capacity to broadly, broadly test and determine where there might be potential outbreaks,” Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger said.

Virginia Rep. Donald McEachin wants a new committee to investigate where the $3 trillion in coronavirus money goes.

“Congress has got a solemn responsibility to the American people and that is one of oversight. Let’s see how the money is being spent, let’s make sure it’s being spent wisely and spent as intended,” McEachin said.

Democrats say the next step is to secure emergency funding for states and local government.

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