Virginia Public Radio: Spanberger joins effort to protect travel for abortion services


Since the United States Supreme Court eliminated the constitutional right to reproductive health care, antiabortion lawmakers across the county have started exploring the idea of laws restricting people from crossing state lines for abortion.

Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger is a Democrat from Central Virginia who is joining with several of her colleagues in the House to introduce legislation making it clear states can’t do that. “The idea that a state would say in our state it is illegal to have a medical abortion at seven weeks and therefore none of our residents can travel to any other state where that may be legal is an absolute overstep.”

Todd Gathje at the Family Foundation says the Supreme Court is redirecting power to the states.

“We need to make sure that states have the ability to make the right policies that are right for the people who live in their states.”

If the bill that Spanberger and others are working on passes the House, it might end up having a more difficult time in the Senate.

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