U.S. House Passes Spanberger Legislation to Provide $4,000,000 for Oilville Road-I-64 Interchange Project in Goochland County

The House-Passed Funding Would Help Construct a Four-Way Roundabout to Alleviate Traffic Congestion & Improve Safety at the Interchange

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. House of Representatives yesterday voted to pass U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger’s legislation that would provide $4,000,000 for Goochland County to make much-needed improvements at the Oilville Road-I-64 interchange.

The funding for Goochland County — which Spanberger successfully secured as part of a House-passed fiscal year (FY)2023 appropriations package — would help build a four-way roundabout that would alleviate a major traffic blockage on I-64 that creates a safety threat to both exiting traffic and through traffic on the Interstate. The proposed roundabout would allow commuters to flow seamlessly from I-64 onto Oilville Road — benefiting an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 commuters daily.

“As Virginia’s economy grows, investments in our physical infrastructure will make sure our communities can keep up with increased traffic, more residents, and new visitors. I am grateful to Goochland County’s officials for recognizing the importance of these investments, and I want to thank them for working closely with my office to move this project forward,” said Spanberger. “Today, we are one step closer towards delivering this funding to Goochland County. This investment would not only ease congestion, but it would address an ongoing safety concern at the I-64 and Oilville Road interchange.”

“Goochland County would like to thank Congresswoman Spanberger for her efforts in supporting our Interstate 64 and Oilville Road interchange project,” said Victor Carpenter, County Administrator, Goochland County. “We are looking forward to this Appropriations Bill being voted on by the Senate and signed by President Biden. This Bill will allow Goochland County to remedy a significant traffic issue on Interstate 64 and improve safety for our citizens and the entire region for years to come.”

Spanberger worked directly with Goochland County to make sure the project was included in this federal funding legislation. The FY2023 appropriations package now goes to the U.S. Senate for further consideration.


For FY2023, the U.S. House of Representatives allowed for specific Community Project Funding requests — as it did in FY2022. Spanberger worked directly with community leaders in all 10 counties of the Seventh District to gather community-focused requests for her submissions. Click here for the full list of her submissions.

The Community Project Funding process was created to ensure that Members of Congress — in concert with the communities they represent — may submit direct applications for federal funding to support locally planned projects as part of the yearly appropriations process.

To be eligible, projects must be sponsored by local or state government entities or non-profit organizations and must be projects that would otherwise meet the qualifications to apply for federal grant funding. The purpose of Community Project Funding is to ensure direct, local engagement as part of the federal appropriations process. In line with this goal, funding applications needed to demonstrate significant local support for the projects.

Earlier this year, President Biden signed into law funding for 10 Virginia projects that Spanberger successfully secured as part of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate-passed FY2022 appropriations bill.


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