Spanberger Statement Ahead of Memorial Day 2022

HENRICO, V.A. – U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today released the following statement ahead of Memorial Day 2022.

“This weekend, we remember the names, stories, and legacies of the American servicemembers who gave their lives defending our country. In Virginia and across the nation, we reflect on and honor the sacrifices of these fallen heroes.

“Our country’s democracy — which has been tested again and again — could not prevail and flourish without the heroism of these men and women. Core American values instilled in our everyday lives by our founding principles are worth preserving — and those who have fought and fallen in service to our country are reminders of that truth, as is the enduring strength of our nation’s Gold Star families. I am forever grateful to these Americans for their sacrifice and for ensuring that the rights enshrined in our Constitution are protected today.

“This Memorial Day, I am thinking of Virginia’s long and proud record of service to our country. In Congress, I will remain an unwavering advocate for the families of our fallen servicemembers, as they deserve our nation’s strongest support.

“I encourage all Virginians and all Americans to commemorate the lives of the American servicemembers who — without hesitation — answered the call.”


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