Spanberger Statement Ahead of Labor Day 2022

HENRICO, V.A. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today released the following statement ahead of Labor Day 2022.

“As we Virginians enjoy Labor Day weekend, we celebrate the successes of working people in our country.

“This weekend, we honor the efforts and sacrifices of the hardworking men and women who fought to guarantee fair pay and safe working conditions for all Americans. Many of the realities we take for granted today — such as the 40-hour workweek or the minimum wage — were earned at great cost to previous generations of workers. It is our responsibility to nurture the gifts they gave us and leave a better work environment for our children and all future Virginians.

“Working men and women, as well as small businesses, are the backbone of Virginia’s economy. Ahead of this holiday that celebrates all they have achieved, I reaffirm my commitment to them and to strengthening our economy for all Virginians and all Americans across our country.”


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