Spanberger Statement Ahead of Independence Day 2023

Jun 30, 2023

WOODBRIDGE, Va. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today released the following statement to mark the Fourth of July weekend.

“On July 4, 1776, our budding nation declared its independence from a distant monarchy. Our founders defied the crown on the belief that governments derive ‘their just powers from the consent of the governed’ — the basis of our republic governed by and for the people.

“Nearly 250 years later, our nation continues the work to achieve the values set forth in our founding documents — liberty and justice chief among them. We are all undeniably lucky to live in the United States of America. But our nation was not conceived of luck — and all Americans have a responsibility to uphold the experiment embarked upon by our founders and safeguard our freedom.

“Whether at parades, ceremonies, or community barbeques, Independence Day is an opportunity to reflect on the work of every American before us who promoted and defended our founding principles. This weekend, Virginians will honor those who put on the uniform and sacrificed for our ideals at home and abroad. Virginians will reflect on our continued pursuit for a stronger, more equal future for those living in the next chapter of American history. And Virginians will remember that patriotism is a devotion that goes far beyond shirts, signs, and slogans.

“As we continue our 247-year story, I’m wishing all Virginians a wonderful Fourth of July weekend.”


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