Spanberger Presses CSX for Answers Following Fredericksburg Freight Train Derailment

Jul 25, 2024
Local Issues

Congresswoman: “The People of Virginia Deserve Nothing Less Than the Highest Standards of Safety & Accountability from CSX”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today pressed CSX Transportation for answers after a freight train derailed and damaged homes in Fredericksburg, Virginia in Virginia’s Seventh District.

On the evening of July 20, 2024, five cars from a CSX freight train derailed, flattened one building, and caused significant damage to a residential complex and Virginians’ personal property. During a briefing held by CSX in Fredericksburg yesterday, July 24, 2024, the company shared that the derailment and subsequent damage was caused by human error. Specifically, the crew allegedly failed to properly tie down train cars that then reached a split-rail device, which forced the cars off the track.

In a letter sent to Joseph Hinrichs, President & CEO of CSX Transportation, Spanberger pressed the company to further explain the failures which allowed this incident to occur near several residences and share their incident report with the City of Fredericksburg and the public more broadly. The Congresswoman also requested information on the locations of other split-rail devices across Virginia, requested the timeline for CSX to inspect these devices and their proximity to residences, and pressed CSX to outline their plan to prevent similar derailments in the future. Additionally, Spanberger asked how the company is working to rebuild trust in the community, communicate with impacted residents, and compensate these Virginians for damages to their property.

“The magnitude of this event — and potential for an even more devastating outcome — has shaken our neighbors, and it is imperative that we address the underlying issues with urgency and transparency,” said Spanberger. “The fact that this incident was followed just two days later by another CSX derailment in Niagara Falls, New York raises pressing concerns about the effectiveness and reliability of CSX’s rail safety measures and protocols. This troubling pattern of incidents underscores the urgent need for a thorough and immediate review, coupled with substantive improvements, to ensure the safety and security of all communities along CSX rail lines.”

Spanberger continued, “The people of Virginia deserve nothing less than the highest standards of safety and accountability from CSX.”

Click here to read the letter, and the full letter text is below.

Dear Mr. Hinrichs,

I am writing to request that CSX provide immediate and comprehensive answers regarding the alarming freight train derailment on the evening of July 20, 2024, in Fredericksburg, Virginia. As the Representative for Virginia’s Seventh District, I am profoundly disturbed and deeply concerned by the severe safety risks this incident posed to our communities. The magnitude of this event — and potential for an even more devastating outcome — has shaken our neighbors, and it is imperative that we address the underlying issues with urgency and transparency.

I appreciate that CSX, at the briefing held by the company on July 24, 2024 in Fredericksburg, provided initial information identifying human error and the split-point device as the cause of the derailment. Your company also addressed some of the concerns expressed by local officials and community members. However, critical questions remain unanswered regarding this derailment and how to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The derailment on Saturday evening damaged four buildings — completely flattening one of them. While there were fortunately no injuries, the outcome could have been vastly different had residents of Cobblestone Square apartments been in the wrong place at the wrong time. This scenario highlights a threat to the physical safety of Fredericksburg residents and underscores the critical need for enhanced safety measures. Furthermore, this community is now grappling with severe damage to personal property, adding to the distress and inconvenience faced by residents.

The fact that this incident was followed just two days later by another CSX derailment in Niagara Falls, New York raises pressing concerns about the effectiveness and reliability of CSX’s rail safety measures and protocols. This troubling pattern of incidents underscores the urgent need for a thorough and immediate review, coupled with substantive improvements, to ensure the safety and security of all communities along CSX rail lines. The people of Virginia deserve nothing less than the highest standards of safety and accountability from CSX.

Accordingly, I request answers to the following questions regarding the derailment in Fredericksburg:

  • We know the train cars were improperly secured, which caused the cars to roll along the yard tracks to the derail device. How will CSX adjust its training and safety protocols to prevent a similar situation in the future?
  • Why are there no recent inspections or past surveys of the line due to its proximity to residential buildings?
  • Does CSX currently perform reviews of split-point rail device locations to account for new development and the proximity to residential areas?
  • Are there other locations across Virginia with split-point rail devices in close proximity to residential neighborhoods?
  • Can you provide a timeline on how long it will take for CSX to inspect all the split-point devices currently on CSX rail lines in Virginia and across the nation?
  • What protocols does CSX currently have to ensure safety measures protect nearby residences?
  • Beyond the briefing CSX held in Fredericksburg on July 24, 2024, how else is your company working to rebuild trust in the community? How is CSX communicating with affected residents regarding information about compensation or assistance your company will provide to those who suffered property damage?
  • Will CSX commit to providing its Federal Railroad Administration report of the incident to the City of Fredericksburg? Will CSX also publicly release this report?
  • What additional steps is CSX taking to prevent future incidents? This includes new technologies, safety measures, training, or investments to improve rail safety, particularly in residential areas.

The safety of our residents and the prevention of future incidents is non-negotiable. I expect a prompt and detailed response to these inquiries. Please do not hesitate to contact my office.

Thank you for your urgent attention to this matter.


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