‘Paycheck Fairness Act’ to close gender wage gap, protect workers, proposed in Congress


This week the House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill to close the gender wage gap. Virginia Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger is a co-sponsor of the “Paycheck Fairness Act.”  

Representative Spanberger said she wants to ensure employees, in particular women, get paid equal pay for equal work. 

“In Virginia, for example, women make 78 cents on the dollar of what men make” said Rep. Spanberger. “This disparity impacts not only the wage earner but it impacts the family they support.”  

Under the proposed bill, employers would have to prove that pay disparities exist due to legitimate, job-related reasons. The bill would also ban retaliation against workers who discuss their wages and prohibit employers from seeking the salary history of prospective employees.

“It’s about ensuring that families, in particular, the women who are supporting families have the ability to earn pay equal to their male counterparts” said Rep. Spanberger.

A vote on the “Paycheck Fairness Act” is likely to pass the House but it could face an uphill battle in the Senate. 

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