NEW MILESTONE: Spanberger’s Office Returns More Than $47 Million in Federal Benefits to Virginians

Sep 20, 2024
Local Issues

Since the Start of 2019, the Congresswoman’s Office Has Returned More Than $47 Million in Backlogged IRS Refunds, Social Security Checks, VA Benefits, & More

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger announced today that her office has now returned more than $47 million in federal casework funds to residents of Virginia’s Seventh District.

Casework dollars are secured and returned by fighting for fair treatment for those having issues with a federal agency, program, or benefit. Spanberger’s office assists Virginians with many casework concerns — including backlogged Social Security checks, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits, Medicare benefits, and delayed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) refunds.

Since taking office on January 3, 2019, Spanberger’s office has closed more than 10,924 cases for Virginians and returned a total of $47,258,691.

“As the Representative for Virginia’s Seventh District, I am dedicated to getting Virginians the information they need, the federal dollars they are owed, and the fair treatment they deserve. Today, ­­­­­­­­­­­I’m proud to share that my dedicated casework team and I have returned more than $47 million in backlogged benefits — like Social Security checks, Veterans benefits, tax refunds, Medicare benefits, and more — to residents of the Seventh District,” said Spanberger. “My office is here to aid and support the Virginians I serve. If you or your neighbors need assistance navigating a federal agency, program, or benefit, please be in touch with my office and we will do our best to assist you.”

Below are recent success stories submitted by Seventh District residents who worked with Spanberger’s office:

“Working with your office prompted a response from the VA where all I have gotten for the last five months was “call back next month” as a response. It was amazing how quickly your office responded to my request and LISTENED to my needs. All the emails were prompt and courteous. It is reassuring that there is someone who listens and cares. I am grateful for the assistance.” — Peter, Orange

“After 7 months of no response from the Social Security Administration regarding an appeal, Representative Spanberger’s office reached out on my behalf and the issue was resolved within two weeks! Kudos to her office for sure.” — Frank, Prince William

“They were able to reach out and get our case moving a little faster. We will have a ramp for my father, who is a Vietnam Veteran, so he can get in and out safely. The staff was wonderful and followed up in a timely manner. I appreciate everything they did to help us. The follow-ups they sent were nice as we could see progress being made.” — Elizabeth, Culpeper

To open a casework concern with Spanberger’s office, constituents can click here to fill out a casework form. Click here to read additional casework testimonials from Seventh District residents.


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