NBC29: Rep. Abigail Spanberger pushes for COVID-19 economic relief with Congress


Whether it’s this congress or the next, U.S House Representative Abigail Spanberger says Virginians need economic help and fast. It’s part of her push as we round the year to minimize the devastating effects of the pandemic.

Fresh off an election win, Spanberger says a federal COVID-19 relief package needs to focus on small businesses, which continue to struggle as case numbers increase.

“We need to have a coordinated effort to deploy the testing, contact tracing and ultimately a vaccine,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger, (D) 7th District.

The congresswoman says the White House needs to step up and take control of the situation. Spanberger says the economy needs to remain open but more needs to be done to get the virus under control.

Over the summer, she says Congress passed four relief bills that invested in vaccination research, production and community testing. But she says a large infrastructure package is also needed.

“Which is vitally important to our ability to recover the economy and invest in our own country,” said Spanberger.

She hopes that can part of the response will address broadband internet issues that have only been exacerbated by the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Spanberger is also defending her comments and colorful language during a heated conference call with House Democrats. She says phrases like “defund police” and “socialism” hurt the party in congressional races this year and could spell disaster for Democrats in 2022.

“The comments that I was making is that sometimes slogans create confusion,” said Spanberger. “We would all be benefited and our communities would be benefited if we were clearer. We as legislators were clearer on the things we are for and the policies we are advocating for.”

Spanberger says she’s for investments in police training and also pointed out that a federal bill passed provided substantial money for just that.

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