NBC12: Virginia teen honored during State of the Union as president pledges to lower insulin prices


A Virginia teen is still in the spotlight after attending the State of the Union Address Tuesday night as First Lady Jill Biden’s guest.

The past 48 hours have been a whirlwind for the young advocate, Joshua Davis, from attending the State of the Union address to having dinner at the White House. And it’s all happening as he celebrates his 13th birthday.

“It was a very awe inspiring,” said Joshua.

Joshua Davis was front and center at the State of the Union address, as he and his family advocate to lower the cost of insulin. President Biden acknowledged the teen as he proposed a measure to cap prices at $35 a month.

”He and his Dad both have Type 1 diabetes, which means they need insulin every day,” the president said in his speech. “Joshua is here with us tonight. Yesterday was his birthday. Happy birthday, buddy.”

Early in the day, Davis enjoyed a birthday celebration at the White House, where he received a personal serenade from First Lady Jill Biden and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff.

“They sang happy birthday to me and gave me a cupcake,” Joshua said.

The Davis family continued their advocacy Wednesday at Rep. Abigail Spanberger’s (D-Va.) office.

“His health and the health of his family and every other American who is diabetic, it’s it’s not a political issue. It’s his ability to live, to be healthy, to be a regular 13-year-old,” said Spanberger, who later added “I think that, you know, his presence last night at the State of the Union brought to the forefront of the discussion yet again what it means for a family that has a diabetic loved one or more than one diabetic in the family because it becomes so expensive and so challenging, and the decisions that families have to make can be heart wrenching.”

Joshua’s father Brian Davis said that what the president is proposing would be a game changer for Type 1 diabetes families paying thousands for insulin.

”A cap of $35 a month is going to help every family that is dealing with this disease, or other diseases that require life saving medication,” said Brian.

“The entirety of the time I’ve been in office, he’s been advocating and he’s only 13,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger.

The Davis family returned home to Virginia Wednesday afternoon. Like many teens, Joshua said he has mixed feelings about all the attention.

“I’m probably not going to speak about it at all because I just want this popularity thing to go away,” Joshua said, laughing.

He said his advocacy won’t end here.

Lawmakers said they hope to find a bipartisan solution to high price insulin costs.

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