Henrico Citizen: Spanberger’s bill designed to help fight substance use disorder

Apr 05, 2022
In the News


In a new effort to combat rising rates of substance use disorder and addiction, U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger (VA-7th District) introduced a new bipartisan bill with support from both Virginia-based and national organizations, including the Henrico-based McShin Foundation.

The Summer Barrow Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Act, named for a Central Virginian who died to a fentanyl overdose in January 2020, would authorize more than $900 million in funding through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration to help communities fight against substance use disorder.

Carey Colvin, the mother of Summer Barrow, spoke at the bill’s introduction event about how she hopes it will prevent others the experience she had.

“It is our hope that with this act, others will be spared what we are going through,” she said. ummer would have been proud to be a part of something that will help others and that will offer viable resources to those who are struggling with addiction.

“Our family is honored to have Summer’s name affiliated with this act. We thank Representatives Spanberger, O’Halleran, Salazar, and Armstrong who have made this much-needed legislation possible.”

John Shinholser, the co-founder and president of the McShin Foundation, likewise offered his support for the legislation.

“The McShin Foundation is grateful for this bipartisan legislation providing critical support for proven, community-based recovery solutions to the addiction epidemic. These investments in recovery create safer communities, build stronger families, and save lives,” he said. “We remain hopeful that the final SAMHSA reauthorization will include a 10% set aside in SAPT block grant.”

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