Fredericksburg Free Press: Spanberger introduces bill to name Fredericksburg post office for Gladys P. Todd  


U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger introduced legislation to rename a Fredericksburg post office after the late Gladys P. Todd, a prominent leader in the Fredericksburg civil rights movement.   

Located at 1285 Emancipation Highway in Fredericksburg, the post office would honor Todd, a revered school teacher and community organizer who was a fixture in the city’s civil rights movement — particularly in advancing causes related to Black youth and teens.   

A lifelong advocate and dedicated NAACP member, Todd was particularly known for her work as an advocate for Black youth with the NAACP Youth Division. From establishing playgrounds for Black youth to pioneering inclusive spaces like the “Youth Canteen” — a community center for Black teens — Todd was dedicated to making Fredericksburg a better, more inclusive place for future generations. She was also known for her work as a voting rights advocate and is often cited as an instrumental force in the election of Fredericksburg’s first Black mayor. Todd’s trailblazing legacy of activism is still evident in Fredericksburg today. 

The bill — which would rename the College Station Post Office to the “Gladys P. Todd Post Office” — is cosponsored by U.S. Representatives Gerry Connolly (D-VA-11), Jennifer McClellan (D-VA-04), Bobby Scott (D-VA-03), and Jennifer Wexton (D-VA-10). 

“This Black History Month, I am honored to introduce legislation to rename the College Station Post Office after the remarkable Gladys P. Todd. Throughout her entire life, Mrs. Todd fought to make life better for Black youth in Fredericksburg — and her tireless work and advocacy undoubtedly moved our Commonwealth forward,” said Spanberger. “Her contributions to the local civil rights movement and her unwavering commitment to justice make Mrs. Todd an inspiration to us all and naming a post office after her is a small way to honor the incredible woman she was. I look forward to moving our bill through Congress and making sure her story is remembered for generations to come.” 

“Gladys Todd was a champion for justice for all marginalized people,” said Gaye Todd Adegbalola, Todd’s daughter and Juno L. Pitchford, Todd’s grandson. “She fought tirelessly for civil rights for Black people in and around the Fredericksburg area. Her family humbly accepts this tribute to her legacy.”   

Click here for bill text.

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