CBS19: Thousands respond to survey on lawmaker stock trading


Thousands of Virginians say lawmakers should not be making decisions regarding the buying, trading or selling of stocks while they serve in Congress.

Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger launched an online survey one week ago to hear from constituents on this topic.

According to a release, more than 3,200 people responded, and 93 percent of those respondents oppose allowing lawmakers to buy, trade or sell individual stocks while in office.

“I firmly believe that Members of Congress and their spouses should be prohibited from buying, trading, or selling stocks while serving in elected office,” said Spanberger. “I want Congress to take concrete, proactive steps to avoid even the potential perception of self-dealing, and it is clear that thousands of Virginians share this sentiment. Over the last week, my constituents have agreed that lawmakers should be prohibited from unfairly informing their own investment decisions and expressed their support for our legislation to remove these opportunities for impropriety.”

Spanberger recently reintroduced her TRUST in Congress Act, which would require members of Congress, their spouses and dependent children to put certain investment assets into a qualified blind trust during their tenure in office.

To respond to the survey, click here.

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