CBS19: Stopgap spending bill passes U.S. House


The federal government faced a potential shutdown at the end of this week, but if this bill passes the Senate, it will run for a little longer.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a stopgap funding bill on Wednesday to keep the government open for one week.

The Associated Press reports this comes as Congress is struggling to pass some kind of COVID-19 relief, such as further unemployment benefits, funds to distribute the vaccines once they are allowed to be used, and more.

Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger says having the government shutdown in the middle of an escalating pandemic would have major repercussions for people in need of assistance programs and employees on the payroll.

“The clock is ticking on emergency COVID-19 relief as we accelerate towards the expiration of unemployment benefits, eviction protections, support to state and local governments, and key small business tax credits this month,” she said. “In Central Virginia, we have families and businesses that are facing tremendous uncertainty and potential financial ruin going into the holidays, and inaction from Congress is wholly unacceptable and a dereliction of our duty as elected officials. In the coming days, I will keep fighting to deliver a bipartisan COVID-19 relief package that can be signed into law, as well as additional, long-term investments in American workers and families to help them weather this economic crisis.”

The government is currently scheduled to shut down on Dec. 11.

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