CBS19: Spanberger’s statement on the signing of Israel-UAE-Bahrain Agreements


Representative Abigail Spanberger, who is a member of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, released a statement before the signing of the Abraham Accords.

The statement below:

I welcome the news that today, leaders from Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain will join at the White House for the beginning of normalized relations between these two Gulf states and Israel. The normalization of relations has long been a bipartisan priority, and this positive development builds a foundation for future diplomacy and peace.  Additionally, these agreements could improve stability in the Middle East and support multilateral efforts to counter Iranian influence. I appreciate Israel’s commitment to these agreements, as well as its decision to halt its annexation efforts. I also appreciate that the UAE and Bahrain have demonstrated a commitment to negotiation and diplomacy, which I hope will lead to greater progress toward peace. I thank the Trump administration for its work in facilitating these agreements.

As a Member of Congress, I remain committed to the constitutional role of Congress, our role in approving the transfer of military weapons to other nations, reaching a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and the U.S. policy of safeguarding Israel’s qualitative military edge. I look forward to working with the administration on these priority issues.

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