CBS19: Seeking feedback on prescription drug prices during pandemic


Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger has relaunched an online survey to get feedback from people about the cost of prescription drugs.


According to a release, a previous prescription drug survey that was launched in January got thousands of responses, which Spanberger used to advocate for priorities in the federal government funding process and more.


The new version of the survey will be focusing on the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic because a recent Gallup poll found that almost 90 percent of adults in the United States are concerned about rising drug prices during the pandemic.


“Earlier this year, thousands of our neighbors shared their personal, often-heartbreaking stories about how prescription drug costs have threatened their financial security. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, I want to learn more about how continued health and economic uncertainty is putting stress on Central Virginia families, especially as they try to balance the cost of medications, housing, and food,” said Spanberger. “I hope many Central Virginians will take a moment to describe their challenges in our survey. These responses will inform my work to lower drug costs for seniors and families, and I’ll keep fighting to increase transparency, hold pharmaceutical companies accountable, and give Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices.”


The survey is available online here.

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