As Central Virginians Receive Second Monthly Child Tax Credit Payment Today, Spanberger Shares Responses to Survey

“I really appreciate having this as an advance payment instead of waiting for it on the tax return. Helps considerably with monthly expenses.”

HENRICO, V.A. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today announced the results of her constituent survey focused on the American Rescue Plan’s enhanced, advance Child Tax Credit payments as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) begins sending out the second monthly payments on Friday, August 13.

Last week, Spanberger launched a survey to better gauge the personal impact of the first monthly Child Tax Credit payment on Central Virginia families and children. Since Wednesday, August 4, Spanberger’s office has received nearly 800 individual responses from Virginians highlighting how these advance payments on the Child Tax Credit are helping families get their lives back to normal following the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Last month, parents across Virginia began receiving enhanced, monthly Child Tax Credit payments. Through this survey — and in speaking directly with Central Virginians here at home — I’ve heard countless stories of parents who lost jobs, struggled to provide childcare, and faced additional unexpected issues as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, “said Spanberger. “I supported this tax credit for families because of the ­way in which Central Virginians stood to benefit — assisting with the monthly costs of raising children, such as childcare, groceries, and back-to-school clothes and supplies. I am so glad to hear that this credit is making it easier for hundreds of families across our district to support their children as we recover from this historic period of economic uncertainty. As Virginians begin to receive the second advance payment, I hope that the enhanced Child Tax Credit continues to provide much-needed assistance and peace of mind to our region’s families and children. If Seventh District residents have not yet received their expected payments, they can reach out to my office for assistance.”

If Central Virginians have not yet received payments, they can visit the IRS website to check eligibility, enroll to receive payments, check payment status, and more.

Some of the 800 responses submitted by Central Virginians through Spanberger’s survey include:

“I really appreciate having this as an advance payment instead of waiting for it on the tax return. Helps considerably with monthly expenses.” — Adam, Chesterfield

“The child tax credit has helped us pay for the daycare for both our children so that my husband and I can continue to work full time.” — Lauren, Chesterfield

“What a huge help! I wish we could always take our child tax credit throughout the year! It has afforded us the ease of mind to pay for preschool, back to school supplies and to allow the boys to play a sport this fall.” — Ashley, Goochland

“Thank you so much, Rep. Spanberger, for fighting so hard for our district! My husband has medical problems & this money has really helped us keep food in our refrigerator! Thank you!” — Jaime, Spotsylvania

“Yes. It has helped us provide food and school supplies. Huge help after a year of having kids home.” — Carrie, Spotsylvania

“We’ve been more able to afford putting our child back into daycare. It is still difficult because daycare is expensive but it’s a little easier. She hadn’t attended since March 2020 and returned June 2021.” — Lauren, Chesterfield

“With back to school (physical rather than virtual) just around the corner, our Child Tax Credit payment couldn’t have come at a better time. We were able to take advantage of sales to make sure our 3 boys have everything they need.” — Kirk, Chesterfield

“We are using it to build our family safety net of savings. I work in education and therefore am not bringing home much money. My husband is the main earner in the family. He lost his job during the pandemic and while he was fortunate enough to find employment fairly quickly, it was a reality check for us. Things are so unpredictable now and we know that ultimately it could happen again.” — Christine, Henrico

“With the expanded child tax credit we have been able to address debt payments and lower interest payments more quickly instead of having to wait until tax season. As school approaches we will be able to pay childcare expenses up front rather than month to month as we usually do.” — Ashley, Henrico

“The Child Tax Credit payment has helped cover the expense of childcare, especially as our growing [family] is expecting a second child and thus a second childcare expense.  The cost of the two in daycare will be about the same as the mortgage on our house.  My husband and I are both well employed professionals and that value is daunting for us, I can only imagine how it is helping those in tighter situations then us.” — Bailey, Culpeper

“It helped with our weekly child care costs. We have 4 children and daycare fees are astronomical but we can’t work without daycare. It also helps keep the kids on a schedule which will help with the transition back to in-person school in the fall.” — Alyssa, Chesterfield

“My family and I have been able to afford the cost of food and other household expenses without the worry of having to wait on my next paycheck from my job as a local school teacher.” — Delonna, Spotsylvania

“We have two small children in full time daycare that costs 11,000 each per year. This payment will cover about one child for a week and a half of daycare a month. While it’s a small drop in the bucket it helps us immensely!” — Catie, Henrico

“My husband has been the full time worker in our household since the start of the pandemic but I will be returning to the classroom full time in the Fall after staying home with our two young daughters for the last three years.  We will need child care to offset the preschool times for our littlest (3yo) and the credit has helped us reach that cost more quickly. We are so grateful.” — Casey, Chesterfield

“This has allowed us to pay for preschool for our toddler and continue to contribute to his college fund. Without it we would struggle to balance everything, especially with another baby on the way.” — Cory, Henrico

“The Child Tax Credit has enabled our family to get ahead after a tough year and look more toward planning for the future.  It has enabled us to breathe a bit in this uncertain time.” — Steve, Chesterfield

“I am a single mom and for me, every penny counts. The extra money is a good way for me to be able to save money in case of an emergency.” — Tanya, Chesterfield


On July 15, the IRS began sending out enhanced, monthly Child Tax Credit payments, which Spanberger voted to pass as part of the American Rescue Plan. This expansion means that thousands of Virginia families are receiving increased monthly payments of up to $250 per child ages 6 to 17 and $300 per child under age 6 through the remainder of 2021.

Families will get the full credit if they make up to $150,000 for a couple or $112,500 for a family with a single parent (or head of household). Families who make more than these amounts will receive a prorated, reduced amount of the credit.

Central Virginians can click here to complete Spanberger’s brief Child Tax Credit survey, which remains open.



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