Amelia Monitor Bulletin: Rep. Spanberger brings clerk’s office renovation check to Amelia


Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger visited Amelia Monday (March 21) with a “big check” representing the $375,000 she successfully secured for the renovation of the former Wells Fargo bank building for use as the new circuit court clerk’s office. The funds are part of a federal appropriations package signed into law on the week of March 14 which also included $923,937 for an aerial ladder truck for the Blackstone Volunteer Fire Department.

Rep. Spanberger met with community leaders in both localities on Monday. In Amelia those included supervisors’ Chairman David Felts (Dist. 1), District 3 Supervisor Shaun Weyant, District 4 Supervisor Joseph Easter, County Administrator Taylor Harvie, Clerk of the Circuit Court Marilyn Wilson, Sheriff Ricky Walker, Commonwealth’s Attorney Lee Harrison, and Juvenile and Domestic Court Judge Theresa J. Royall.

Chairman Felts thanked Rep. Spanberger for securing the funding and the county staff and the supervisors for working with her to secure the funds for the project. He said Mrs. Wilson and her staff will have a safer, more comfortable environment in which to work and will be able to upgrade the office’s technology as well.

Judge Royall said she represented all the judges in the circuit for the event and thanked Rep. Spanberger for working with the community leaders to bring the funds to the county. She also talked about the clerks’ jobs, calling them “the backbone of the justice system,” and who the judges could not do without. She noted the Virginia Code lists 800 responsibilities for clerks.

Mrs. Wilson said some of those responsibilities include issuing licenses, probation, civil and criminal records-keeping, and preserving historical records.

The renovated building will be a, “more secure place for the staff,” Sheriff Walker said, adding that included those who came to do business in the clerk’s office. “Thanks for championing this cause,” he said to Rep. Spanberger.

The congresswoman said she was glad to help upgrade the county’s facilities and thanked the county staff and the supervisors for working with her and her staff to overcome the hurdles.

She said she knew things had been difficult for law enforcement officers over the past four years and thanked them for doing their jobs. She was happy to help make the clerk’s office a safer and more comfortable workplace for the community to use.

Rep. Spanberger’s press release noted “Multiple incidents have taken place in the courthouse which could have been mitigated with enhanced security and the space currently being occupied by the clerk’s office is needed to make those security improvements. Additionally, this transition will take staff in the clerk’s office out of harm’s way and make routine operations in the office safer.”

Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. Wilson noted she will make use of the still existing bank’s drive-through window for certain services – although not to issue marriage licenses.

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