Federal Grants

Each year, federal government grants support community initiatives, research, infrastructure programs, and public interest projects. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis or distributed under a formula. The majority of federal grant recipients are state and local government agencies who then distribute funds to smaller entities.

Below, you can search for current, past, and forecasted federal funding opportunities from grants.gov.



Check to make sure you live in Virginia’s Seventh District and fill out the form below to request a letter of support.


How can we best contact you?

This will help us reach out with a reply.

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What is your grant proposal?

0 / 2000

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How will the grant award positively affect the Seventh District?

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Other than what is requested above, please do not submit any personally identifiable information.

We’ve received your request.

You’ll get an answer very soon. In the meantime, follow me on social media for updates on my work for you and the people of our district.