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Sep 20, 2024
Local Issues
NEW MILESTONE: Spanberger’s Office Returns More Than $47 Million in Federal Benefits to Virginians

Since the Start of 2019, the Congresswoman’s Office Has Returned More Than $47 Million in Backlogged IRS Refunds, Social Security Checks, VA Benefits, & More WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger announced today that her office has now returned more than $47 million in federal casework funds to residents of Virginia’s Seventh District. Casework dollars […]

News and Announcements

Sep 19, 2024

ICYMI: Thousands of Virginians Join Spanberger’s Telephone Town Hall Focused on Issues Facing Virginia Families, Economy, & Seniors

Topics Included Local Safety Issues, Immigration, Gun Violence Prevention, & Repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger last night hosted an open, public telephone town hall to discuss issues faced by Virginia families, small businesses, and seniors. During Wednesday’s event, Spanberger and Seventh District residents discussed many […]

BREAKING: Spanberger-Graves Discharge Petition Reaches 218 Signatures, Enough to Force U.S. House Vote on Bipartisan Bill to Eliminate WEP & GPO

The Bipartisan “Social Security Fairness Act” Would Eliminate Two Provisions of the “Social Security Act” That Unfairly Reduce Benefits for Millions of Americans Who Have Devoted Much of Their Careers to Public Service Spanberger & Graves: “Today is a Major Milestone Made Possible by Tireless Advocates Who’ve Made Clear that Congress Must Act” WASHINGTON, D.C. […]

Spanberger, Graves Host Press Conference to Urge Lawmakers to Sign Discharge Petition for Social Security Fairness Act, Join National Advocates & Retirees Calling for WEP & GPO Repeal

The Duo Only Need 5 More Signatures on their Discharge Petition to Force a Vote on the U.S. House Floor on their Legislation to Eliminate the WEP & GPO WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representatives Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) and Garret Graves (R-LA-06) today hosted a press conference alongside Americans who are currently being denied their hard-earned […]

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Economy & Jobs

Supporting Virginia Businesses & Entrepreneurs Rep. Spanberger is focused on advancing legislation that grows Virginia’s economy, supports Virginia’s small businesses, reduces unnecessary regulatory burdens, cuts red tape, and invests in critical physical infrastructure improvements. She is proud to have received the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s “Jefferson-Hamilton Award for Bipartisanship” for her work to bring Democrats and Republicans together to advance legislation that supports Virginia’s economy, as well as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s “Spirit of Enterprise Award” for her leadership on policies that help grow Virginia’s small businesses. Strengthening Workforce Training & Apprenticeship Programs Whether they choose to go to college or not, Rep. Spanberger believes that all Virginia workers should have access to the education and training they need to achieve career success, earn a good living, and keep the Commonwealth the best place in the country to raise a family, work, and start a business. Rep. Spanberger is working to increase investments in vocational training and apprenticeship programs for young people. These programs lead to better-paying jobs, meet the workforce demands of our local businesses, and make sure the next generation of Virginians stays ahead in a competitive and rapidly changing global economy.


Expanding Access to Affordable Healthcare Coverage Virginians deserve strong access to quality, affordable health insurance, and Rep. Spanberger is fighting to protect the healthcare coverage of Virginians. She believes in stabilizing the Affordable Care Act and preserving its protections for the more than 1.3 million Virginians with pre-existing conditions. Rep. Spanberger is also working to reduce premiums in the insurance marketplace and to lower out-of-pocket costs. She supports universal coverage through the adoption of a public option and, in Congress, she advocates for solutions that achieve real progress, respond to the unique challenges of Virginia’s rural communities, support the Commonwealth’s Medicaid expansion, and preserve funding for critical programs like the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP). Lowering Prescription Drug Costs As Rep. Spanberger meets with families, patients, providers, and community healthcare organizations across Virginia’s Seventh District; she repeatedly hears about the financial struggles facing seniors, families, and those with chronic conditions as their prescription drug costs continue to rise. That’s why Rep. Spanberger voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act — which gave Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices, capped insulin copays at $35 per month for seniors on Medicare, and capped out-of-pocket costs for Virginia seniors. She believes that no one in the Commonwealth should have to choose between putting food on the table or paying for their lifesaving medications. That’s why she has also led several bipartisan efforts to hold transnational pharmaceutical companies accountable, increase transparency, and reduce America’s dependence on nations like China for essential medications. Addressing the Opioid Abuse & Addiction Epidemic Rep. Spanberger recognizes that the addiction and overdose crisis is a deadly epidemic happening in our country. She’s spoken to too many families who have lost loved ones to addiction and overdose. Rep. Spanberger supports a national response that invests in preventing overdoses, expanding access to treatment, and supporting individuals in recovery from addiction as they seek to reclaim their health and well-being. She believes that an effective response involves working directly with community leaders, law enforcement officials, religious organizations, and healthcare professionals to build an actionable strategy to provide treatment, recovery, and wraparound services to everyone impacted by the opioid epidemic. In 2022, the President signed into law Rep. Spanberger’s bipartisan legislation — the Summer Barrow Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Act — that provides major funding for programs that focus on overdose prevention, first responder training, co-prescribing, and alternatives to opioids in emergency rooms. Defending Women’s Healthcare Access Rep. Spanberger believes that protecting women’s access to reproductive healthcare is a social and economic necessity. In the wake of the Dobbs decision, which undermined decades of established precedent and settled case law, Rep. Spanberger has focused on taking steps against policies that undermine the right to privacy and a woman’s right to choose. She has voted to codify Roe v. Wade into law, protect contraception access, and defend the right of Americans to travel across state lines to seek lawful abortions. Additionally, Rep. Spanberger — a Member of the Black Maternal Health Caucus — is actively seeking innovative, bipartisan legislative solutions to help combat rising rates of maternal mortality in the United States, particularly within historically underserved and disadvantaged communities in Virginia. She also supports maintaining federal funding to Planned Parenthood and other providers that provide essential healthcare screenings and preventive services to both women and men.

National Defense & Foreign Affairs

Supporting our Servicemembers & their Families A former federal law enforcement officer and CIA officer, Rep. Spanberger’s career in public service has focused on protecting American families and economic interests from a wide range of domestic and foreign threats. She recognizes the tremendous sacrifice of those who serve in our military, and she believes we have a sacred obligation to honor their dedication to our country and to give them the support they deserve. In Congress, Rep. Spanberger is committed to providing our servicemembers with the compensation, training, equipment, and benefits they need to successfully carry out their vital missions and protect their fellow citizens. She is working in the U.S. House to find additional ways to support military families as their loved ones serve abroad and as they eventually transition to civilian life — including through providing workforce opportunities. Countering Aggression with U.S. Global Leadership and Diplomacy Rep. Spanberger knows that the United States today faces many foreign threats from its adversaries, and she believes that a strong diplomatic presence is a core component of our national security and must not be lessened or ignored. Many Virginians she represents play a key role in this mission. Rep. Spanberger is fighting to reaffirm the importance of our country’s relationships with its key allies and security partners, including member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). As a Member of the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, she will continue to voice her unwavering support for U.S. diplomats, law enforcement, intelligence officers, and civil servants who work every day at home and abroad to identify dangerous threats, prevent tragedies, and save American lives. Standing Up to the Chinese Communist Party Rep. Spanberger believes that the United States must counter the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) aggressive behavior, hold it accountable for human rights violations, and build strong relationships with our allies in the Asia-Pacific region. She is working with both parties to combat fentanyl trafficking from China, address foreign surveillance concerns, respond to threats posed by CCP-tied purchases of American farmland, and boost American manufacturing to compete with CCP-backed companies. During Rep. Spanberger’s first term in office, former President Trump signed into law her bipartisan Secure 5G and Beyond Act, which builds a national strategy to protect 5G telecommunications systems in the United States from threats posed by Chinese government-backed tech firms like Huawei and ZTE. And in 2022, Rep. Spanberger voted to pass the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act — a law that will strengthen America’s semiconductor research, development, and production.

"Working with Representative Spanberger’s office made the difference in my case. As soon as the office began advocating on my behalf I immediately started to see movement on my issue."

“Representative Spanberger’s office turned around in five days, my request for help with Veterans Affairs concerning my military disability and got a response from them in a timely manner. Thanks for support and professionalism by all.”

"While some people say that things in Washington don’t work, they obviously have not contacted Representative Spanberger’s office. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate the office a 12."

“They helped by getting my tax refund that I have been waiting months for!!! Your office has helped me for 3 years!!! Thank you!!!”

“Almost immediate results! My case with the FAA had languished for almost four months. It took Rep. Spanberger’s office about a week to shake things loose. Absolutely amazing. It’s great to see such dedication.”

"Trying to resolve a simple issue with TSP was an exercise in futility. Rep. Spanberger’s office responded to my inquiry in one day! In three days, TSP called me. That miracle timeline is all due to the advocacy I received from Rep Spanberger."

— Marlon, Prince William County